Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Taxing Pop: Will The Country Lose Weight?

My sixth and final Media Arts Blog Post is about putting a tax on pop and coming up with scare campaigns to turn people away from unhealthy food. In my opinion, I think scare campaigns are the best way to get a message across. For example, this video was made in Wales to discourage texting while driving:

Obviously, this video was met negative criticism, but the message is quite clear. Scare campaigns work because they make people realize just how dangerous or unhealthy something is, and the consequences if you do it.

While this add affects millions of people across the globe, it does not affect me. I took the initiative to give up pop, and I have not had a single can since August 2009. I myself have noticed myself that I have greater energy then I used to, so it benefits me in two ways; I feel better, and I save money!

As many studies have shown, obesity is a growing problem, especially in the US. People are eating fast food, takeout, and frozen dinners, which just make them gain more weight than regular food. When I first watched the video, I was slightly disgusted, but after getting all the way through, I realized that it was a great idea. What better way to turn people off from pop then to show them what they are actually drinking. It may cause pop companies to lose some money, but there are many other beverages they could produce that aren't filled with salt.

If the tax on pop and other salty foods and drinks came into effect in Canada, I would think twice about purchasing these products. They aren't necessary for humans to live, and we could certainly do without the extra calories. I believe others would also follow suit, since today more people want to save money. The state of New York is taking a large initiative, and I believe the rest of America should do the same.

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